Page name: The Asylum [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-07-10 19:58:10
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The Asylum @ Wiki


So you wanna join? If you're genuinely insane feel free, if not, you must be going insane if your visiting!!!

The Asylum Members - Click here to add your name to the list.
The Asylum Badges - Add badges to your house.

If you aren't insane, but feeling helpful, please apply to be a nurse or warden or psychologist or something cos we're kinda gettin outta control!!! WE NEED HELP NOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!

[mort prevoyant] - psychologist
[Take off your clothes. ♥] - psychotherapist
[Cr0550utTheEyes] Psychiatrist. I may be on the lists of those who aren't 'all there' but I am here to help others, just not myself, feel free to talk to me if needed, I've been down every road.
[MischeviousAngel 101] i may be .. not all there... but i am a good listener and always willing to try and help with your problems.... i am also a good agony aunt if you need any advice.

For all you people who are insanely depressed, please visit The Asylum For The Depressed

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2004-04-28 [JessieAnn]: mmmmwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh im goin crazy!!! bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles!!!!!!!!!!! finding nemo hehe

2004-04-28 [i yell at my monkey]: *throws a dart* a ha ha ha ha (pops all the bubbles) i am the best lol a ha ha ha i am master of bubble pop

2004-04-30 [JessieAnn]: *crys hystrically* slaps i yell @ my monkey n *screams:nasty nasty nasty*

2004-04-30 [i yell at my monkey]: lol yah i know i sorry *coughs* lieing *coughs*

2004-04-30 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: the warden says no ppl back 2 ur padded cells... run run run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-05-03 [i yell at my monkey]: *grabs my pants and pulls them down* ah ha ha ha ha ha

2004-05-03 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: Cover my eyes, im too innocent!!!!!!

2004-05-05 [i yell at my monkey]: lol

2004-05-05 [JessieAnn]: no wonder wer mad lol *runs in2 ova direction!!!!!1

2004-05-05 [BLack Sheep 666]: *shifty eyes* im the new one.

2004-05-05 [BLack Sheep 666]: i was running away and they caught me they said" no more running" but they are wrong WRONG I tell you WRONG!!!!!!!

2004-05-06 [JessieAnn]: grabs blck sheep n scream mad ppl united runn for ya madness!!!!!!!

2004-05-06 [JessieAnn]: run like ya mad!!!!

2004-05-07 [JessieAnn]: go o then run mwaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

2004-05-07 [i yell at my monkey]: ................*still showing butt*

2004-05-07 [angelice]: oh dear. sorry for interupting...i'll just leave now, because i guess i'm not so very mad yet, still have a touch more sanity than those people, don't I? yes, yes you do, now slowly walk out backwards, they won't even notice you came in.

2004-05-07 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: pull ur trouser up!!!! no wonder were insane!!!

2004-05-08 [BLack Sheep 666]: *looks at monkey* butt... *pulls shirt over head (likein bevis and butthead)* i am the great BLack Sheep FEAR ME!!!!

2004-05-09 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: *kicks monkey up butt* hehe!!!

2004-05-10 [i yell at my monkey]: hay get ur foot out of there

2004-05-10 [BLack Sheep 666]: no one fears me? >bahh<

2004-05-10 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: i see dead people, noooooo!!! *hides in corner*

2004-05-11 [JessieAnn]: pulls waterfarie out of i yell at a monkey

2004-05-11 [JessieAnn]: then screams @ warden *Bbbbbbbbaaaah Hummmmmmm Buuuuggggggggg!!!*

2004-05-12 [ll]: they said to do something dramatic. so i ripped open my chest and pulled out my heart. why are they all screaming?

2004-05-12 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: Did u die???

2004-05-12 [JessieAnn]: is it stil beatin???nnnoooooo the blood!! covers waterfaeries eyes as she is scared of veins!!!!!

2004-05-12 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: nooooooo, i wanna play with the heart!!!

2004-05-13 [JessieAnn]: dont let [Chewy101] hav it!!!!! he scares me wiv hearts

2004-05-13 [JessieAnn]: starts 2 do chicken dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-05-13 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: *goes into trance and walks around with a knife*

2004-05-14 [i yell at my monkey]: *throws bucket of water on waterfaerie * snap out of it

2004-05-14 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: aaaaaagggggggggggghhhhhh!!! where am i?!?!?!?!?

2004-05-14 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: o ye! wheeeeeeeeeee! *jumps on beds*

2004-05-15 [JessieAnn]: joins waterfaeire666 n bouncers he off oppppppppsssss!!!!! sorry!! *coff not coff*

2004-05-15 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: ow, my knees hurts now!!! *does a spazzy penguin walk across the room*

2004-05-15 [JessieAnn]: BONG BONG BONG !!!!! does a natalie squeak on the bed then *blabs u all smellll*

2004-05-15 [JessieAnn]: .............

2004-05-15 [JessieAnn]: ..............................

2004-05-15 [JessieAnn]: .............................................

2004-05-15 [JessieAnn]: ............................................................

2004-05-15 [JessieAnn]: ...........................................................................

2004-05-15 [JessieAnn]: of wot i duno the smells gone now hehe!!!!

2004-05-16 [taz the spaz]: excuse me but can i join this insane place purely because kinky monkey and waterfaerie666 are my pals and they drive mad!!!!!!

2004-05-17 [JessieAnn]: ouch smack head on padded ceiling!!! stop bouncing on the bed!!! does traffic light dance hehe

2004-05-17 [shotgun monkey]: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

2004-05-18 [i yell at my monkey]: .... *farts* oopppps

2004-05-18 [JessieAnn]: d@s wot i culd smell hehehehe

2004-05-18 [JessieAnn]: pass's out from smell hehe

2004-05-19 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: there too many monkeys, im scared!!!

2004-05-19 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: theres too many monkeys, im scared!!!

2004-05-20 [So Long Pluto]: woah....i scared

2004-05-20 [JessieAnn]: dont tell ya brova he'll fancy me again !!!lol the fought makes me pass out!!!!!!!!!

2004-05-20 [So Long Pluto]: so what's up everyone?

2004-05-21 [JessieAnn]: wake screamin not again no not again i only want chocloate icecream!!!!! snaps out of it n goes wot happened there?????

2004-05-21 [JessieAnn]: being scared!!!!

2004-05-21 [BLack Sheep 666]: Runs into the wall and keeps doing it<

2004-05-21 [So Long Pluto]: yum...? i'm working on a stinkin' report...

2004-05-21 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: *pukes on all the monkeys* oops hehe!!!

2004-05-21 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: *chews soles of feet* mmmmm, tasty!!! o.O

2004-05-22 [SaNe InSiDe InSaNiTy]: rice peas and chicken

2004-05-23 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: nooooooooo, its my evil sister *picks up spade and whacks her continuously on the head*

2004-05-23 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: why is it that every time i hit you on the head, your head squashes and then pops into shape again? weirdo!

2004-05-23 [SaNe InSiDe InSaNiTy]: my head is made of sponge!!! *insane laugh*

2004-05-24 [JessieAnn]: hiya charliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...i nickd 9 pairs of shoes 2day ask [zoe2003]

2004-05-24 [Truth . Beauty . Love]: Ooh i knew the men in the white coats would come for me eventually...

2004-05-24 [JessieAnn]: lol hehehehe i swear i dont have manic depression..... whos d@ in the corner of the room......................?

2004-05-24 [JessieAnn]: it kinda luks like a dead body i fink???????? n shuld i say hi 2 the voice in my head????

2004-05-24 [JessieAnn]: r we really real???????? or am i imaginin u?????? im scared

2004-05-24 [JessieAnn]: *sits in corner and shakes* :'(

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